Nowadays, most people prefer purchasing or buildinghouses near the coast. Beach houses are very popular amongst celebrities. Themajority of the wealthy people own a beach house.These houses have a unique design to match thecoastal theme. You can build different types of coastal houses. Apart from thebeach house, the lake house is also very popular.If you want to build these houses, you need tosearch for a house plan accordingly. Not all types of house plans will matchthe coastal theme. In order to get house plans for coastal houses, you canvisit the Boutique Home Plans website.They offer a different collection of plans. Youwill get multiple coastal house plans. You can check all the plans available atthe site. There are house plans for small as well as big houses.You will also get a plan for a family house orvacation house. The best thing about the plans is that you will be able to makechanges to them. You can customize the plans on-site as per your requirement.You can change the room placement, change the number of rooms and baths.The designers offer free consultation as well. Youwill be able to talk to them for free. They will help you in choosing the bestplan for your coastal house.